Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time Out!!

Has anyone ever just wanted a time out from everything. Life can be so exhausting sometimes. Never ending, always busy but yet not feeling productive. That is how I have been feeling lately. Same old, nothing new but always busy. I think I need to take a turn in my life and do something new. Maybe it is time to start writing the book I have procrastinated for so long. I really want to make a difference and do something that can help others. I know that I was put here on this earth for a reason, now I just need to find out what my purpose is and do something about it.
Chailyn does want to play soccer and me and a neighbor of mine, though neither of us have played are going to attempt to coach them. Scary thought, huh? Time will tell I guess.
I am planning to have a jeans party & a Lia Sophia party in April. Something to look forward to with Brian at work so often and soon to be even more often.

1 comment:

Tierney said...

I totally feel that way. It actually put me in a little funk for a bit just thinking that I had more potential to do something great. How funny - I've always had a goal to write a book too. Too bad I can't come up with an idea like Harry Potter. I want to make an impact somewhere. I know being a mother is truly a blessing, but I feel like there is more to me than just that. That is a big part of why I'm doing the marketing parties. I need to feel good about something I'm doing and that I can accomplish something great. I'm setting big goals so maybe someday I'll have the freedom financially to sit down and write my long overdue book.